Thank you for your honesty in posting about those people. I saw lots and couldn't say anything. But now, I can say they wrote their own ticket. They thought they were royalty!
out of the box
i wanted to know if anyone was from that area or lived there..
Thank you for your honesty in posting about those people. I saw lots and couldn't say anything. But now, I can say they wrote their own ticket. They thought they were royalty!
out of the box
i had a conversation the other day with a relative - we started talking about death and so on, so forth.
i havent been attending for almost 3 years now and really havent been harrassed too much - just ignored.. i stopped attending meetings for a number of reasons, a few were belief differences which i knew would become trouble, but the main reason why i couldnt attend anymore is i felt fake.
but i felt that people only wanted to associate with me because we shared one thing and one thing only....a belief.
Take a break and just let it go. We cannot change them. We can only wait till they WAKE UP like you DID!
out of the box
i wanted to know if anyone was from that area or lived there..
Thanks for your quick reply! I had written a few stories about the cong. I left. That was the congregation I had belonged to for about 7 years, left and came back. Allan Montopoli was good to me, he gave me money once, he said it was from the cong. but I think it was his personal money. I did not ask for it, he showed up with it.
But, he was also the brother who's wife had black eyes all the time. Rumor (later on I heard) he did those. She always was quiet, sat alone with her child, and left without talking much. I think they came in separate cars. She told people she had allergies.
The Amway story I told, where the elder held a meeting at someone's home (same bible study group for Tuesday meeting held at the same house) that turned out to be an Amway meeting! I spoke up and Allan told me I had a big mouth! I left anyway. Another time I thought about moving in with this older sister who needed help and had asked me to live with her. Alan told me I was too attractive to move in where her (very young) nephew also lived and it wouldn't work, so forget it (she was NO relative of his)!!! Oh well. Can't be perfect all the time! I can't say that the Montopolis didn't do a lot for others, they had the money to do so and shared some!
out of the box
an article written by joy castro appeared in the magazine section of the sunday ny times.. joy is an x dub and the article is autobiographical about her youth as a dub.. if you can check it out.
Lady Lee, thank you for posting that article. I enjoyed reading it!
out of the box
i lost track of this brother and his wife joann.
i think they left the jws (i hope so).. out of the box
I lost track of this brother and his wife JoAnn. Anyone know them? I think they left the JWs (I hope so).
out of the box
i wanted to know if anyone was from that area or lived there..
Golf: I knew the Montopoli brothers pretty well. He built the KH when I lived in Plymouth. I haven't seen them in ages. I've also spent a number of years in the Boston cong. I'll be in Rockland in October
My son lives in Rockland and plays in a band in a local restaurant/bar. They have been a local band there for years!
Around here we call the family the "Mountmypolies"...
Very interesting, you can write me all you want about them. Put it in this thread or send me a message. I would LOVE to hear more. They were handsome men. Their mother lived with Alan. I wrote a story here about an elder and how he treated his wife...
day we visited the Waltham congo was the day after I did a large dose of Aldous Huxley
DannyHaszard: Wow, Rockland too? Glad to see you here.
coffee_black: Yes, Gerry was in the Newton cong. and Alan in the Waltham. Do you remember Maynard Wellington? passed away long time ago. Sickly fellow with a bad heart, great man by any standards. Lived a true Christian life I think, loved that man, he performed my then marriage ceremony.
out of the box
i was doing a general yahoo!
lookup of my name and found a guestbook signed with my name (no middle initial) its toward the bottom of the page and says something like great family!
Too weird, there these two entries on that one web page: So, there are tripplets?
First Name : Brenda Cloutier | |||
URL : | |||
Comments : Great family
out of the box
my cousin, a non-jw died last saturday of kidney cancer.
although not a jw, his wife also a non jw asked an elder to do his service.
this at the request of his jw mother, who by the way is very inactive.
Neonmadman is that your picture? It reminds me of someone I knew in Mass.
out of the box
i wanted to know if anyone was from that area or lived there..
Alan Montopoli was an elder in the Waltham cong. They owned a construction company. Remember the Tommy Rao? (I think it's that spelling) The Raos were the best JWs in that cong. Their mother Ruth was such a great lady, her husband was not a JW but owned laundramats. They really acted like true Christians, they were so good to everyone they met.
You live in Newton or Needham? I lived on Adena Road in West Newton. And I had friends now moved from Halcyon Road in Newton Center.
I never saw that baptism pool cause we all got baptised at a Circuit assembly. We were encouraged to get ready for those times, I guess for more affect.
Thank you for your response. I should add, I do not live in Mass. any longer. I moved away to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and now Virginia. I still visit there because I have friends and a son living there. Such an expensive state to live in! And the price of oil and gas!!! out of the box
Watchtower and Awake tract society. That is what they are! Peddlers could be added.
Or, Watchtower and Awake society 'cult' ivatiors!
out of the box